Setting up Journey to send messages to Kafka topics

In order for the Unica Journey application to send messages to Kafka topics, this setup is required.

About this task

For Kafkalink to work from Unica Link, perform these steps:


  1. Update the file located in this location: <link_install>/integration-context/install.
  2. Update the following:
    • List of one or more Kafka brokers= IPADDRESS:9092
    • The base URL for the HIP runtimehip-url=https://IPADDRESS:<PORT>/hip-rest/
    • The name of the request topicrequest-topic=OUTGOING_MESSAGES
    • The name of the response topicresponse-topic=INCOMING_RESPONSES
    • The directory where files are created before sending to HIPdata-directory=/tmp
  3. Update the file located under<link_install>/integration-context/apps. Set the following properties:
    • Set the base URL of the Unica Platform server. For example: http://myserver:7001. Do not specify a slash (/) after the URL.
    • base_url=http://IPADDRESS:<PORT>
    • Credentials: username=asm_admin password=password