Known issues

The following table lists the known issues in Unica Link 12.1
Product Description
Link Removing a Unica application does not remove the artifacts created for the application.


Inside the <install_dir> or the Unica installation directory, run the script

To execute the script, run the following command: <base-url> <username> <password> <application>


  • <base-url> is the base URL for Link server. This should be of form: https://<hostname>:8443. If defaults were used during installation, then the default port is 8443.

  • <username> and <password> are the credentials for an administrative user for Unica Link.

  • <application> is the name of the application.

When the command execution is successful, it provides details about the deleted project and packages. An example is as follows:
$ https://localhost:8443 admin ***** journey
    "application": "journey",
    "deleted_project": {
        "_id": "5ed6b1de2ab79c0001a7e36d",
        "name": "_app_journey",
        "version": 1
    "deleted_packages": [
Mailchimp connector In Mailchimp, the audience value changes to another format.

The audience value shows its ID (in alphanumeric format) instead of its value when you edit the correctly configured Action (Link PB).

Mailchimp connector Email Delivered and Email Sent events are not received for Mailchimp.
Mailchimp connector You must be aware of merge fields and type them correctly in the subject field in order to correctly merge personalized information into email.

If you want to use merge fields in Subject you must type the fields correctly in order to merge personalized information into email.

An example of correct formatting is: *|FirstName|*. Similarly, to merge a product and a city into an email subject line, you would use a format such as this: Welcome to *|Product|* Seminar in *|City|*.

Mailchimp connector The fetch results will not fetch results for the last day.

For example, if you select the current day, then no result will be populated. The same as if you select a fetch end date as 25th June , it will fetch results till 24th June. The results for last day are missed.

Mailchimp connector Unicode characters do not work on Windows.
Mandrill connector In Mandrill, non-Latin alphabetic characters are not supported in Merge fields.
Mandrill connector You must be aware of merge fields and type them correctly in the subject field in order to correctly merge personalized information into email.

If you want to use merge fields in Subject you must type the fields correctly in order to merge personalized information into email.

An example of correct formatting is: *|FirstName|*. Similarly, to merge a product and a city into an email subject line, you would use a format such as this: Welcome to *|Product|* Seminar in *|City|*.

Mandrill connector This issue involves, Email Delivered and Email Sent events which are not received for Mandrill.
Mandrill connector If the Mandrill touchpoints are used with Salesforce touchpoints in the Journey application, the publish option will fail.
Mandrill connector The Switch to Text field option in the Field Mapping screen does not work.
Mandrill connector Unicode characters do not work on Windows.
Salesforce connector If the Salesforce touchpoints are used with Mandrill touchpoints in the Journey application, the publish option will fail.
Salesforce connector Unicode characters do not work on Windows.
Twilio connector The Switch to Text field option in the Field Mapping screen does not work.
Twilio connector Unicode characters do not work on Windows.