Journey statistics

You can view Journey statistics when a Journey is Published or Completed.

Journey statistics for Contacts

Hover over the Start point to view the statistics of the contacts that entered the Journey from various Entry Sources.

Field Description
Contacts The number of contacts, per Entry Source, that were either Accepted or Rejected by the Journey.
Total The total number of contacts from all Entry Sources that were either Accepted or Rejected by the Journey.

Journey statistics for Touchpoints

Once a Journey is Published or Completed, you can open the Journey canvas and hover over the following Touchpoints to view the Journey statistics

Touchpoint Statistics provided
Email Journey provides the following statistics for the Email Touchpoint
  • Sent
  • Bounce Soft
  • Bounce Hard
  • Open
  • Link Click
  • Error
SMS Journey provides the following statistics for the SMS Touchpoint
  • Sent
  • Delivered
  • Link Click
  • Error
Salesforce Journey provides the following statistics for the SMS Touchpoint
  • Success
  • Failure
Whatsapp Journeyprovides the following statistics for the Whatsapp Touchpoint
  • Sent
  • Delivered
  • Error
  • Read
Push Journeyprovides the following statistics for
  • Sent
  • Delivered
  • Read
  • Failed

Journey statistics for Journey controls

Click on the Journey start point to see total number of audience. Audiences are bifurcated in both section Accepted (Valid data on which action is taken) and Rejected (Invalid/incorrect data). Click on Accepted count to view Accepted Contacts details. The screen will display the following information, Accepted On, CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, Email etc. Click on Rejected count to view Rejected Contacts details. The screen will display the following information, Rejected On, Reason, FirstName, LastName, Email etc.

Click on touchpoints to view list of audience entry source wise and total list. Further when you click on the individual status number a popup is displayed with details of data definition fields of the records moving in different branches.

When you click on the email icon, then count of emails send through different channels (Mailchimp and Mandrill) is displayed.
Note: In case of count as 0 this link should be disabled. the page will have no custom sort, by default they are sorted by descending, date and time of response. The popup has pagination.

In case of Publish control, hover over the control to see the total number of contacts stored.

In case of Decision Split control or Engagement Split control you see the following numbers:

  • A callout containing the number of contacts entering the control.
  • A callout containing the number of contacts in the YES flow.
  • A callout containing the number of contacts in the NO flow.