Fixed Defects

The following table lists the defects fixed in Unica Journey 12.1.4:

Defect ID Description
HMA-343008 Instead of Mapping the LP attributes to Field values those should be mapped to Label in Deliver
HMA-338565 IF 01-Error message column did not populated for Mailchimp although we get Error message in incoming response topic and data Error table in ONEDB
HMA-338531 IF01-SQL Server Issue to 12.1.1 - Performance Reports dont work correctly due to trigger issue
HMA-338514 IF01 v12.1.3 - REGBB- Journey is not getting copied if having link connector
HMA-338387 v12.1.3: Copyright year is incorrect in Fed tar Response files(ResponseFiles.tar.gz)
HMA-336307 Disable_Validations_On_Journey_Records: No -> With this settings Data greater than set length should get rejected but getting accepted
HMA-334560 offsets.topic.replication.factor=1 property from the kafka get commented in clean as well as overwrite installation.
HMA-330727 ORA-02264: name already used by an existing constraint displayed while executing the JourneyReportOracleCreateTables.sql on oracle 12c on single schema for Journey
HMA-334480 Facebook version for 12.1.1 and 12.1.2 is V11.0
HMA-334130 Journey system schema procedure need to compiled manually on Oracle Database.
HMA-334459 Please document in the release notes, install and upgade guide
HMA-334549 Edit issue when single external source is mapped to same journey entry source
HMA-334614 Journey with preferences configured on timezone and channels - When template is created with this journey , new journey does not have the preferences at journey level nor at the touchpoints
HMA-333490 REGBB- (Docker Tomcat) For linkedin not showing states count
HMA-335161 User is logged out when tried to access Kafka type of Entry Source
HMA-338024 IF01-Maria DB- Not getting deliver responses in journey as unique constraints are not working for null xid
HMA-338440 IF01-12.1.3 - Getting error on running gdpr utility since three log4j jars (log4j-api-2.17.1,log4j-core-2.17.1,log4j-1.2-api-2.17.1) are missing from GDPR lib folder
HMA-337336 Journey uninstallation did not remove all the files which is lay down by the installer
HMA-337222 Error message column did not populated for Mailchimp although we get Error message in incoming response topic