Unica Interact User Tables

When you install the Unica Interact runtime server, you also run a SQL script to set up the required user tables in your data source that Unica Interact needs to operate. This document provides a data dictionary describing the structure and content of the user tables.


Table that contains the default offers by audience level to consider for serving. This table supports all the whitelist and offer rules columns supported in the UACI_ScoreOverride table.

Field Type Length Null? Description
AudienceLevel VARCHAR 64 false This field is the audience level (eg. Customer, Household) which this record will apply to.
OfferCode1 VARCHAR 64 false First part of offerCode.
Score FLOAT false The score value to use in the default treatment.
OverrideTypeID INT32 true The override type which will indicate whether this record will perform whitelist feature or just an override only feature.
Predicate VARCHAR 4000 true The expression logic for the predicate.
FinalScore FLOAT true This field represents the final score to use by the built-in learning. Essentially, it will bypass any intermediate calculations made by the built-in calculator.
CellCode VARCHAR 64 true The code of the cell used for reporting.
Zone VARCHAR 64 true The name of the zone that this record applies to. If null, any zone applies.
EnableStateID INT32 true The enablestate id which tells us whether any advanced rules (predicate) should be applied.
Suppression Count INT32 false This field is for Exclusive offer suppression. The field is located on the Strategy page. Once you save the Suppression Count in the Strategy Advance Option for rule then the 'Suppression Count' value is updated in this column, By default the value is 0.
Max Score INT32 false By default the value is false(0) and in the Strategy once you select Max score for rule and save the Strategy then the value becomes true(1).


This table contains offers per customer id that are to be either added to the candidate list of treatments, or to override the score of existing treatments, depending on the mode specified in the OverrideTypeID column. This table supports all the features of the Strategy tab but in table form and at the audience id level (Strategy tab is only at the segment level). Additionally, users may add columns to this table; extra column data will be accessible through the learning interface.

Field Type Length Null? Description
CustomerID INT64 false Audience id for the audience level Customer.
OfferCode1 VARCHAR 64 false First part of an offercode.
Score FLOAT false Explicit score to use in override/whitelist, unless advanced rule is activated.
OverrideTypeID INT32 true The override type which will indicate whether this record will perform whitelist feature or just an override only feature.
Predicate VARCHAR 4000 true The expression logic for the predicate.
FinalScore FLOAT true This field represents the final score to use by the built-in learning. Essentially, it will bypass any intermediate calculations made by the built-in calculator.
CellCode VARCHAR 64 true The code of the cell used for reporting.
Zone VARCHAR 64 true The name of the zone that this record applies to. If null, any zone applies.
EnableStateID INT32 true The enablestate id which tells us whether any advanced rules (predicate) should be applied.
Suppression Count INT32 false This field is for Exclusive offer suppression. The field is located on the Strategy page. Once you save the Suppression Count in the Strategy Advance Option for rule then the 'Suppression Count' value is updated in this column, By default the value is 0.
Max Score INT32 false By default the value is false(0) and in the Strategy once you select Max score for rule and save the Strategy then the value becomes true(1).


This is the default table designed to be used for the audience level "Customer". The table contains offers per customerId that are to be suppressed from serving to the client facing system.

Field Type Length Null? Description
CustomerID INT64 true Audience id for the audience level Customer.
OfferCode1 VARCHAR 64 false First part of an offercode.


Contains the version information of the current Interact user tables installation.

Field Type Length Null? Description
VersionID INT64 false PK, unique id of version table.
VersionNumber VARCHAR 50 false Full version (major, minor, point, and build).
Parameters VARCHAR 255 true Optional parameters. This is currently not utilized and is here for future use.
CreateDate DATETIME false Date when the interact user based tables was installed.


Field Type Length Null? Description
CustomerID INT64 false The audience ID fields based on the definition of the corresponding audience level.
RTUrl VARCHAR 200 true The URL of the Interact runtime server that processed this request.
BatchID VARCHAR 50 false A UUID generated by Interact to each batch of commands. For example, if three commands are sent to Interact in a single executeBatch request, they share the same BatchID even though each of the three commands has its individual record in this table.
SessionID VARCHAR 200 true The ID of the session this request is sent for.
APITime INT64 false The timestamp this request is processed.
API VARCHAR 50 false The name of the request.
ProcessTime INT64 false The time in milliseconds Interact spends to process this request.
Status INT32 false The status code of processing this request.
EffectiveDateTime VARCHAR 1000 truw Effective date of the offer.
Message VARCHAR 1000 true The advisory message in the response. The length of this column must be increased by users if long messages are expected.
IntChannel VARCHAR 100 true The name of the interactive channel as supplied in the request. It is applicable only for startSession and setAudience.
IntPoint VARCHAR 100 true The name of the interaction point as supplied in the request. It is applicable only for getOffers.
RelyOnExistingSession INT32 false The value of the RelyOnExistingSession flag as supplied in the request. It is applicable only for startSession
OfferRequested INT32 false The maximum number of request offers as supplied in the request. It is applicable only for getOffers
Event VARCHAR 100 true The name of the event as supplied in the request. It is applicable only for postEvent.
OfferRequest VARCHAR 200 true The details of the offer request as supplied in the request. It is applicable only for getOffersForMultipleInteractionPoints.
ParameterCount INT false The number of parameters in the request. It counts only those specifically in EventParameters field.
Parameters VARCHAR 4000 true The details of parameters. The length of this column must be increased by users if many or long parameters are expected.
Response VARCHAR 4000 true The API response. The length of this column must be increased by users if long responses are expected.
RESPONSECLOB CLOB true CLOB column to store large API response.
REQUESTID BIGINT false A unique ID for every API request.


Field Type Length Null? Description
ATTRRECORDID BIGINT False Autogenerated Primary Key of table.
REQUESTID BIGINT False Foreign key from UACI_APIRequestInfo.
ATTRCATEGORY INT64 False Attribute category to define the type of attributes. Valid values are:
  1. Profile Attributes
  2. Session Attributes
  3. Event Pattern States
ATTRIBUTENAME VARCHAR 512 False Name of the attribute.
STRINGVALUE VARCHAR 512 True Value of the attribute if attribute type is Text.
NUMBERVALUE FLOAT True Value of the attribute if attribute type is Numeric.
DATETIMEVALUE DATETIME True Value of the attribute if attribute type is Date.