Fixed defects

The following table lists defects that are fixed in Unica Interact V12.1.4.
Issue ID Description
HMA-324587In case of event pattern ETL reports, for new event patterns, users were getting an SQL exception while processing event pattern states
HMA-333357When the type of an audience ID component is not specified, a null audienceID was populating the Kafka dispatcher, causing messages to fail to send to Gateway.
HMA-334379 In trigger message eligibility conditions, operators used for Integer Session variables on base setup (Unica version prior to 12.1.2) were not getting reflected.
HMA-334541Dynamic learning attributes were not getting recorded if attribute name was used in the API parameter and if it did not match the one configured in UACI_AttributeList.
HMA-336165Extreme slowness was experienced when accessing/changing status for Strategy if there were too many offers (10000 or more).
HMA-337591Blank page was rendered when opening the strategy page if there was a huge amount of data.
HMA-337982 Personalization Playback graph data was not loading for 7, 30, and 365 days filters.
HMA-338288The list of Gateway Groups was not getting refreshed after some changes.
HMA-338387 For version 12.1.3, the copyright year was incorrect in the Fed Response File ResponseFiles.tar.gz.
HMA-339281NullPointerException used to occur when loading data in Personalization Playback if any of the profile attribute value was NULL.
HMA-339343Interact was not fully qualifying SQL statements with multiple run time server groups sharing the same database but with different schemas.
HMA-339602JSConnector did not load the configuration properly in Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome browser.
HMA-341203Interact initialization used to fail if Kafka had a lot of messages pending for the configured inbound gateway.
HMA-342270Extreme Slowness used to occur when dragging Zone into Interact Strategy.
HMA-342497Garbled characters were displayed in some Interact pages for French locale.
HMA-343033com.unicacorp.interact.session.IInteractSessionDataEx was incorrectly included in interact_learning.jar.
HMA-343258If there were no eligible offer from strategies and FlexOffers, offers in score override, default offers, and offers-by-SQL were not considered.
HMA-343149Two JVM parameters, and, existed for specifying the name of an Interact run instance.