Cleanup Expired Token Utility

To implement the code and configuration in Interact runtime, the expired tokens must be removed from the UACI_RTToken table. This must be done automatically using a background thread with a configurable interval. This background must be generic, so that it can be used for cleaning other tables.

Configuration Changes

A node “Cleanup” is added under the path “Affinium|interact|services” to perform cleanup related activities. A sub node “expiredTokens” is added under the path “Affinium|interact|services|Cleanup” to perform the cleanup operation for the expired tokens. You must set the "enable" field as true under the path “Affinium|interact|services|Cleanup|expiredTokens”. The default value of the "enable" field of “expiredTokens” is set as True. The valid values are True and False.

Note: Users can insert the tokens in UACI_RTToken table by starting a session and enabling “tokenAuthentication” field under the path “Affinium|interact|general|API”.

Optional JVM Parameters

Users can set the following JVM parameters under the JVM options.

  • -Dcom.unica.interact.cleanupThreadPoolCoreSize=1
  • -Dcom.unica.interact.cleanupInitialDelay=300
  • -Dcom.unica.interact.cleanupDelay=300
  • -Dcom.unica.interact.cleanupBatchSize=5000


  • cleanupThreadPoolCoreSize is the number of threads required to keep in the pool. If not set, the system takes the default value as 1.
  • cleanupInitialDelay is the time to delay the first execution in seconds. If not set, the system takes the default value as 300.
  • cleanupDelay is the delay between the termination of one execution and the commencement of the next in seconds. If not set, the system takes the default value as 300.
  • cleanupBatchSize is the number of expired tokens which the users want to delete in one attempt. If not set, the system takes the default value as 5000.