Personalization Playback

Marketers can use Personalization Playback to review activities that are the outcome of existing campaigns. Personalization Playback shows the aggregated user activities grouped by audience groups, and includes capabilities to drill-down for activity details such as profile attributes, session attributes, API history, event patterns status, delivered and disqualified offers for Interact APIs.

You must activate API logging in Interact RT to capture and present API information on screen. The following are the features of Personalization Playback:
  • Aggregated view of session activities grouped by time, specifically, the number of active sessions and audiences during a given period.
  • Aggregation can be applied to all audience IDs in an audience level, or a selected subset based on the values of one or more profile attributes using the filters.
  • When you select start time and end time the system aggregates the data between the seleted times and displays the data as a graph. The system automatically calculates aggregation unit based on the selected timeframe.
  • You can drill-down each aggregated data point to view the list of active sessions for the data point.
  • You can further expand each session to view all API requests, together with the profile attributes, session parameters, and event pattern states at that point.