Configuring JMX monitoring for the contact and response history module

Use this procedure to configure JMX monitoring for the contact and response history module. The JMXMP and RMI protocols are supported. Configuring JMX monitoring does not enable security for the contact and response history module. You use the Unica Platform for the design environment to configure the JMX monitoring.

About this task

To use your JMX monitoring tool for the contact and response history module, the default address that is used for:
  • The JMXMP protocol is service:jmx:jmxmp://CampaignServer:port/campaign.
  • The RMI protocol is service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://CampaignServer:port/campaign.

When you view the data in your JMX monitoring tool, the results attributes are organized first by partition and next by audience level.


In Unica Platform for the design environment, edit the following configuration properties in the Campaign > monitoring category.
Configuration property Setting
monitorEnabledForInteract True


The port number for the JMX service


The protocol to use:
  • RMI

Security is not enabled for the contact and response history module, even if you select the JMXMP protocol.