Customizable lists

You can customize the lists in Collaborate by providing your own site-specific options.

The lists that you can customize, and where users encounter them in the user interface, follow.

Table 1. Customizable lists
List type Description Location

Job functions or skill sets. Roles make it easier to assign people to tasks in a project.

Note: These roles are functional, and are not the same as the security roles that determine access to areas of the Collaborate interface.

Users identify the roles that are needed to complete the project, and assign team members to those roles, on the People tab. Then, on the Workflow tab, users can assign roles or team members to tasks.

When users add an On-demand or Corporate Campaign, they can assign people to functional roles or roles to tasks.

Non-working Date Types

Categories for non-work time. For example, national holidays, corporate off-sites, and company holidays.

For more information, see System-wide non-work dates.

When administrators enter Non-working Business Days, they identify the Type for each date.

Then, when users add or edit project workflow tasks, they can specify a Schedule Through setting. Task schedules can include only business days, business days and weekends, business days and these non-working date types, or all dates.

When users add an On-demand or Corporate Campaign, they can choose to schedule work during organizational non-work dates.

Workflow Milestone Types

Milestones that can be included in a project workflow.

You can set milestones for tasks within a workflow for an Advanced List, On-demand Campaign, and Corporate Campaign.

When users add or edit a project workflow task, they can identify it as a project milestone by selecting its Milestone Type.

You can update Workflow Milestone Type by clicking Collaborate Settings > List Definitions.