Personalized SMS messaging

In Quick Builder, you can build SMS communications by selecting one of the available SMS templates. To comply with the DLT regulations for Indian customers, the templates must be pre-approved. You must capture and pass template ID to be able to send SMS in India. You can skip to Create an SMS communication section if your SMS account is not under Indian DLT restrictions.


While registering the SMS template for approval, you require to follow the below syntax in case you require URL in the SMSes.

  • You need to put multiple {#var#} - about three for example "{#var#} {#var#} {#var#}" whereever in the message you need URL and send it for approval.

    For example : the following is the sample SMS containing URL:

Greetings {#var#},
Thanks for registering for HCL Unica Deliver conference. Check out event details here- {#var#} {#var#}{#var#}To stop these messages- {#var#} {#var#}{#var#}
Team Unica

Once the template is approved, you need to replace multiple #var to single #url, so that Deliver can understand this is for URL.

For example: before importing SMS template in Deliver, change it to following:

Greetings {#var#},
Thanks for registering for HCL Unica Deliver conference. Check out event details here-{#url#}
To stop these messages- {#url#}
Team Unica
Note: India DLT regulations specify that operators can provide responses only for transactional SMS, that is, SMS messages sent through transactional senderid. No responses will be provided for SMS sent through promotional senderid.