Sending transactional messages

A transactional message is a single message that is sent in response to a specific, predetermined transaction that is detected in your business systems. Transactional messages tend to have higher open rates than other types of marketing message. Message recipients are more likely to open a message that is related to a transaction they recognize or expect than they are to open an unsolicited message. Unica provides the Deliver Transactional messaging Service (TMS) as a hosted web service to process transactional messages.

Unica Journey uses Deliver transactional messaging service to deliver messages sent from Journey. For more information on how to integrate Unica Journey with Unica Deliver, see the Unica Journey Administrator Guide.

Sending transactional message requires developing locally installed transactional message client software that integrates your transaction monitoring systems and marketing databases with Deliver elements in Campaign and with the Deliver TMS hosted by Unica. Digital marketers use Campaign and Deliver to configure messages and enable messagings for transactional message. Application developers in your organization create the transactional message client software.

Note: Transactional messages do not support constant personalization fields. Transactional message requests fail if the messaging that you enable for transactional message also defines constant personalization fields.

HCL Unica begins to transmit messagings in the order in which you submit each messaging run request. Transactional message might be delayed on some occasions if you send large messagings frequently from the same domain. To avoid possible delays, you can request that Unica assign priority fulfillment for your hosted domains.

For more information about how to integrate your transaction systems with Deliver, see the Unica Deliver Transactional Message Administration Guide.