Automatic recognition of unsubscribe requests

During processing of inbound email responses, Unica Deliver scans the subject line and the first few lines of the incoming email to look for words typically found in requests to unsubscribe from mailing lists. When an incoming message that contains certain keywords is received, the system adds the sending address to the global email suppression list. In subsequent mailings, the system does not send email to the suppressed address.

During processing of email responses, Deliver scans the email subject line and the first five lines of the email for the following words.

  • unsubscribe
  • unsub
  • stop
  • end
  • quit
  • cancel

In the subject line of the incoming email, the keywords must be separate from other characters. For example, Deliver recognizes the following subject lines as a probable unsubscribe requests.

  • Please stop sending email.
  • Quit mailing me!
  • I want to cancel my subscription.
  • I want to stop hearing from you.

The system does not recognize a subject line that might look like the following.

  • I want my subscription canceled.

The system does not recognize the keyword due to the additional characters.

However, the system evaluates the word unsubscribe in subject lines differently from other keywords. In subject lines, Deliver recognizes the word unsubscribe even when combined with other characters. For example, the system recognizes all of the following subject lines as probable unsubscribe requests.

  • Please unsubscribe me from your mailing list.
  • I want to be unsubscribed.
  • I am unsubscribing from your newsletter.

This treatment of the word unsubscribe applies to email subject lines only. Deliver applies unsubscribe rules differently when evaluating the body of the message.

In the body of the email, these words must be on a line by themselves and separate from other characters in the sentence. For example, the system recognizes the following sentences as part of a probable unsubscribe request.

  • Unsubscribe
  • Stop
  • quit

However, it does not recognize the following.

  • I want to unsubscribe!
  • Please stop sending email to me.
  • I want to be unsubscribed.

In the body of the message, the system does not recognize keywords, including unsubscribe, when they are combined with other characters or when they are not on a separate line.