Uploading files from an archive to create multiple content elements

Uploading files in a compressed archive to the Content Library allows you to quickly add, configure, and organize large numbers of digital assets. You extract the archive contents into a folder in the Content Library. If you create a folder hierarchy in the archive, the Content Library replicates the archive hierarchy in the folder where you unzip the archive.


  1. In the Content Library tab, navigate to the folder where you want to upload the files.
  2. Right-click the folder and select New > Folder Hierarchy From Zip.
  3. In the Upload Zip File window, browse to the file archive you want to upload, and select it.
  4. Choose a content type.
    • Content: Images, text, and non-template HTML files. To create multiple content variations or apply reference labels automatically, you must follow the specific file name convention that is recognized by the Content Library. Guidance for the name format is available on the Upload Zip File dialog.
    • Template: HTML files that are used as templates for email and landing pages. The system selects Is Template for each content element that is associated with an uploaded file.
    • Mixed: combination of templates, images, text, and non-template HTML files. You must indicate a content type when you add the content to a communication.
  5. Click OK to upload the archive.


The uploaded files appear in the folder that you specified in Step 1, according to the file structure that is defined in the compressed archive.