Scripts that define a connection to an RSS feed

Each connection to content on an RSS feed is defined by a custom script. You can modify the script to customize and personalize how the content displays to message recipients. Each script is enclosed with the custom <UAEscript> tag and includes a declaration section and a body section. The script body defines the header of the RSS connection and the list of RSS items that are displayed in the message.

The following diagram illustrates the typical structure of a script that defines a connection to content on an RSS feed.

RSS script example


<UAEscript> tag. Encloses an advanced script for email. Edit the script to create a custom connection. When you embed the script in a template or snippet, include the opening and closing tags and everything in between. The <UAEscript> tag is not case sensitive.

More information:

Editing the display format to create a custom RSS connection

Embedding connections to an RSS feed in a template or snippet


Declaration section. You must declare the RSS source, the feed name, and number of rows to be displayed. Declare personalization fields if you add them to the connection.

Note: Remove all empty spaces before the closing bracket of the <declareRSS> tag.

More information:

Declaring retrieve and display variables for RSS connections


The name of the feed. The value is used as the prefix to RSS fields that you add to the header.

More information:

Configuring the RSS connection title


Body of the script. The script defines the list of RSS items that are displayed in the message. The script also defines a title for the section.

More information:

Editing the display format to create a custom RSS connection


Title section. The default connection defines the RSS title inside the header tag (<h2>). You can apply different HTML formats to the title, and to other parts of the script.

More information:

Configuring the RSS connection title


List section. The list is defined within the @list tag.

More information:

Configuring the list of RSS items


Loop variable. Determines how the script loops through the source to present the content. This value is used as the prefix for RSS fields that you add in the list section. Configuring the list of RSS items

More information:

RSS fields supported in connections to RSS feeds

If you add an RSS connection to a text-only email, you must manually remove all HTML formatting from the script that defines the connection. For example, the default RSS connection formats the RSS title inside a <h2> tag. If you generate a text-only version of an HTML email that includes a connection to an RSS feed, you must remove the <h2> tag from the RSS title in the text version only.