Embedding connections to content on a web server

Use the custom tag <UAEConnect> to embed a connection to content on a web server. Add the tag to the HTML code for an email or landing page template or in an HTML snippet.

About this task

For email:
<UAEconnect n="[content source path]" t="[retrieve time]-[View As Web Page update]"/>
For landing pages:
<UAEconnect n="[content source path]" t="[retrieve time]/>

The attribute for the content source path must define the URL or path to the file that provides the content. You cannot include OLT personalization fields in the path to the file.

The retrieval time indicates when the system downloads source content. For content connections in email, you can configure the connection to retrieve content when you send the message or when you publish the email communication. For landing pages, the connection can retrieve content only when you publish the landing page communication.

If the communication contains a View As Web Page link, the value for View As Web Page update indicates whether the system includes the external content in the web page view of the message, or excludes it. Updates to the web page version of an email message occur only when you publish the communication.

Note: By default, the system updates content when the email message is sent and the system adds the content to the web page version of the message. If you do not specify values for retrieve time and View As Web Page update, the system uses the default values.

Complete the following steps to embed a content connector.


  1. Indicate the location of the content source by entering the appropriate prefix for the path to the source.
    For content on a web server: n="http://<url>"
  2. Specify when to retrieve the content.
    • To retrieve when the communication is published: t="publish-<web page update>"
    • To retrieve when the message is sent: t="send-<web page update>"
  3. Indicate whether to include connected content in the web page version of the email message.
    This setting applies only if the communication contains a View As Web Page link.
    • To include external content in the View As Web Page version: t="<retrieve time>-webpublish"
    • To exclude external content in the View As Web Page version: t="<retrieve time>-noweb"


The table illustrates the format of the <UAEconnect> tag for typical content connections to a web server.

UAEconnect tag format

Source Location

Content Retrieval Time

Update View As Web Page

Tag Format


Web server



<UAEconnect n= “http://<url>" t=“publish-webpublish"/>


<UAEconnect n= “http://<url>" t=“publish-noweb"/>



<UAEconnect n= “http://<url>" t=“send-webpublish"/>


<UAEconnect n= “http://<url>" t=“send-noweb"/>

Landing page

Web server


Not Applicable

<UAEconnect n= “http://<path>/file.extension" t=“publish"/>

What to do next

You can preview the message to see how the connected content displays in the message. The version of the content that you see in the preview depends on the content retrieval settings and whether you preview from the Message Editor or a mailing tab in Campaign.