Known issues in Unica Campaign V12.1.1

Unica Campaign 12.1.1 includes the following known issues.

Issue ID Description
HMA-326854 Incorrect date format written to UA_OFFERHISTATTRIB from mail list process box
HMA-331085 Documentation - Docker : Use -async option while running ACOOptAdmin utility
HMA-330431 Campaign Offer reports show incorrect data when SAME offer is used in Campaign as well as Journey
HMA330613 DOC Help URL is not working for English,French and German locales.
HMA-330562 Docker : Campaign kafka template is missing for Docker

For resolution on this, please contact HCL Unica support team.

HMA-326516 Process box configuration and Flowchart options are Blank.
HMA-330433 User is not able to login to platform after upgrade to 12.1.1 in case Deliver is configured.


Execute below query on Platform database :

select * from usm_role_role_map where role_id = (select ID from usm_role where name='Deliver_admin' and application=101 and partition_id=<>)

Specify actual partition id in above query , default for partition1 , partition id =1 , it varies for multiple partitions.

If above result in more than one row , contact HCL support to help in executing below delete query - delete one of the duplicate record of *D*eliver_admin role by running below query :

delete from usm_role_role_map where role_id = (select ID from usm_role where name='Deliver_admin' and application=101 and partition_id=<>) and parent_role_id=<partition_id>

For example , for partition id =1 ,

delete from usm_role_role_map where role_id = (select ID from usm_role where name='Deliver_admin' and application=101 and partition_id=1) and parent_role_id=1