Database setup

You need to set up the database before you begin installation.

You can setup the database in one of the following ways.
  • Use your database Docker image
  • Connect to an external database system

In case of Managed Kubernetes Clusters on Cloud, the system data and the customer data must reside on Cloud.

If your database resides in an external system, the configuration of the following parameters, in Unica Helm chart, is mandatory.
  • Database Users
  • Tablespace Users
  • Operating System Users

The database can reside within Kubernetes cluster. If the database resides within the Kubernetes cluster, use any available database image, and edit the Unica Helm chart. Ensure that user creation is complete before the Unica solution starts.

For example, to use WebLogic, within the cluster or external DB, complete the following steps.
  1. Download Cloud Native Unica images and Helm Chart.
  2. Create Databases and Users and enter those details in the Unica Helm Chart.

If you set the Database as a sub-chart in Unica chart, you can completely automate data import using Shell scripts. For import, data should be available on the Database container mount point. You can also place the data after the container starts. Ensure that Database configuration and user creation activity is completed before running the Unica chart.

For auto-installation of database client on listener pod or container, complete the following steps:
Note: The commands and filenames are mentioned specific to Oracle database. Provide appropriate values based on the the database you use.
  1. Place the Oracle client installer, named, inside the /tmp folder.
  2. To extract the installer file, run the unzip command.

    A new folder, named client is created in the location /tmp.

  3. Run the following command:

    cp /tmp/client/response/client_install.rsp /tmp/oracle_client.rsp

  4. Access the oracle_client.rsp file and make the following changes in the file:
  5. Run the following commands:
    cd /tmp
    mkdir linuxamd64_12102_client
    mv client linuxamd64_12102_client
    tar -cvf Oracle_client.tar linuxamd64_12102_client oracle_client.rsp
    gzip Oracle_client.tar
    mv Oracle_client.tar.gz oracle_client.rsp /docker/unica
  6. In the /docker/unica/ location, create a file named and add the following content in the file:
    yum install -y libaio
    -silent -ignoreSysPrereqs -responseFile /tmp/Oracle_client_install/oracle_client.rsp