Reports | Schemas | Campaign | Campaign Offer Contact Status Breakout

The Campaign Offer Contact Status Breakout schema supports reporting on campaign-detailed contacts, which are broken out by contact status type and by offer data. This schema template gives different contact counts for each custom Contact Status Type for campaigns and offers grouped by campaign.

By default, none of the example Unica Campaign reports use this schema.

Audience Key


Specifies the name of the column that is the Audience Key for the audience level that is supported by this reporting schema.

Default value


Valid Values

A string value no longer than 255 characters.

If the key includes more than one column, use commas between the column names. For example, ColumnX,ColumnY.

Contact History Table


Specifies the name of the Contact History table for the audience level that is supported by this reporting schema.

Default value


Detailed Contact History Table


Specifies the name of the Detailed Contact History table for the audience level that is supported by this reporting schema.

Default value
