Stage 2 error after re-running Stage 5

Problem or error: After correcting errors reported by Stage 2 (called from within Stage 5), the following error is displayed after directly re-running the stage5 script:"Initial migration stages are not run successfully. Aborting migration."

Solution: To continue with data migration, perform the following steps:

  1. Run the stage2 script (externally, not from within Stage 5).
  2. Ensure there are no errors except for the "Clean Target Check Task" of Stage 2 (ignore this error). If other errors are reported, correct them and re-run the stage2 script.
  3. To correct the "Clean Target Check Task" error, manually update the MigConfig_Status table and set Status = 1 where StageId = 2 and taskID = 212.
  4. Run the stage5 script (do not run Stage 3 or Stage 4).