Deleting strategic segments

Use the following procedure to delete a strategic segment.

About this task

Strategic segments can be deleted in the following ways:

  • By deleting the strategic segment itself from its folder location on the All Segments page. Strategic segments that you delete by this method are re-created if the Create Seg processes that generated them originally are re-run in production mode.
  • By deleting the Create Seg process that created the strategic segment. The strategic segment is deleted only when the flowchart is saved. Strategic segments deleted in this way cannot be recovered. For details, read about deleting processes in flowcharts.
  • By deleting the flowchart containing the Create Seg process that created the strategic segment. Strategic segments deleted in this way cannot be recovered. For details, read about deleting flowcharts.

Use the following procedure to delete a strategic segment directly from the All Segments page.


  1. Select Campaign > Segments.
  2. Open the folder that contains the segment that you want to delete.
  3. Select the check box next to the segment that you want to delete. You can select multiple segments to delete at one time.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. Click OK to confirm.

    The segment is deleted.

    Note: If there are still active flowcharts that contain the segment, the segment can be re-created when those flowcharts are run. If a flowchart that contains the segment was open for editing when you deleted the segment, it also is re-created.