lang="en" REST API - Campaign attributes

REST API for Campaign attributes


APIs for attribute objects in Campaign.


get: /v1/attributes
getAttributeMetadataByNameGlobal Returns the metadata of all defined attributes or of the specified attribute.
This function returns a map with the key as a string and IAttributeMetadata as the value.


name (optional)
Query Parameter — If a name is entered, it returns the information (metadata) for that specific attribute. If no name is entered, it returns the metadata for all attributes. Multiple values are provided in the format name=aeiou&name=abcde.

Return type

MAP[java.lang.String, com.unica.publicapi.campaign.campaignservices.attribute.metadata.IAttributeMetadata]

Example result

Content-Type: application/json
"aeiou" : {
  "componentTypeEnum" : "",
  "allowAddOptions" : true,
  "internal" : true,
  "hidden" : true,
  "displayName" : "aeiou",
  "parametric" : true,
  "displayOrder" : 123,
  "description" : "aeiou",
  "mandatory" : true,
  "required" : true,
  "typeEnum" : "",
  "statusEnum" : "",
  "array" : true,
  "generated" : true,
  "name" : "aeiou",
  "nullAllowed" : true,
  "id" : 123456789,
  "selectTypeEnum" : "",
  "systemDefined" : true,
  "accessTypeEnum" : "",
  "applicationTypeEnum" : ""

post: /v1/attributes/create/{type}
createAttributeMetadata Creates attribute metadata for the specified object type.


type (required)
Path Parameter — Type of object of the attribute.
metadata (required)
Form Parameter — Information, in the form of JSON data, that is used to create the attribute metadata.

Return type


Example result

Content-Type: application/json

delete: /v1/attributes/delete
deleteAttributeMetadata Deletes the metadata of the specified attribute.


name (required)
Query Parameter — Name of the attribute for which the metadata is to be deleted.

Return type


Example result

Content-Type: application/json

get: /v1/attributes/metadata/{type}
getAttributeMetadataByTypeAndName Returns the metadata for all attributes of the specified type or of the specified attribute.
This function returns a map with the key as a string and IAttributeMetadata as the value.


name (optional)
Query Parameter — If a name is entered, it returns the metadata for that attribute. If no name is entered, it returns the metadata of all attributes of the specified type. Multiple values are provided in the format name=aeiou&name=abcde.
type (required)
Path Parameter — Type of object for which the metadata is returned.

Return type

MAP[java.lang.String, com.unica.publicapi.campaign.campaignservices.attribute.metadata.IAttributeMetadata]

Example result

Content-Type: application/json
"aeiou" : {
  "componentTypeEnum" : "",
  "allowAddOptions" : true,
  "internal" : true,
  "hidden" : true,
  "displayName" : "aeiou",
  "parametric" : true,
  "displayOrder" : 123,
  "description" : "aeiou",
  "mandatory" : true,
  "required" : true,
  "typeEnum" : "",
  "statusEnum" : "",
  "array" : true,
  "generated" : true,
  "name" : "aeiou",
  "nullAllowed" : true,
  "id" : 123456789,
  "selectTypeEnum" : "",
  "systemDefined" : true,
  "accessTypeEnum" : "",
  "applicationTypeEnum" : ""

put: /v1/attributes/update/metadata
updateAttributeMetadata Updates the attribute values for a specified object.


metadata (required)
Form Parameter — Information, in the form of JSON data, that is used to update the attribute metadata.

Return type


Example result

Content-Type: application/json

put: /v1/attributes/update/{type}/{id}
updateAttributes Updates the attribute values for a specified object.
An object is defined by type and ID.


type (required)
Path Parameter — Type of the object to be updated.
id (required)
Path Parameter — Identifier of the object to be updated.
attributes (required)
Form Parameter — Attribute metadata, in the form of JSON data, that is used to update the specified object.

Return type


Example result

Content-Type: application/json

get: /v1/attributes/{type}/{id}
getAttributesByName Returns the metadata for the specified attributes.


type (required)
Path Parameter — Type of object for which the attribute metadata is returned.
id (required)
Path Parameter — Identifier of the object.
name (optional)
Query Parameter — If a name is entered, it returns the information (metadata) for that particular attribute. If no name is entered, it returns all attributes for the specified object. Multiple values are provided in the format name=aeiou&name=abcde.

Return type

MAP[java.lang.String, com.unica.publicapi.campaign.campaignservices.attribute.IAttribute]

Example result

Content-Type: application/json
"aeiou" : {
  "componentTypeEnum" : "",
  "allowAddOptions" : true,
  "internal" : true,
  "hidden" : true,
  "displayName" : "aeiou",
  "parametric" : true,
  "displayOrder" : 123,
  "description" : "aeiou",
  "mandatory" : true,
  "required" : true,
  "typeEnum" : "",
  "statusEnum" : "",
  "array" : true,
  "generated" : true,
  "name" : "aeiou",
  "nullAllowed" : true,
  "id" : 123456789,
  "selectTypeEnum" : "",
  "systemDefined" : true,
  "accessTypeEnum" : "",
  "applicationTypeEnum" : ""

Return types