Master listener priority

A listener cluster always includes one master listener, whose job is to coordinate load balancing across the cluster. The masterListenerPriority configuration setting determines which node is initially used as the master listener.

Each node in a cluster has a masterListenerPriority value assigned in its configuration settings. A value of one (1) is the highest priority, so that node initially serves as the master listener. If the designated master listener cannot be contacted, the next node becomes the master listener, based on its masterListenerPriority value (for example, 2).

Every listener in the cluster must have a priority value. You cannot prohibit a listener from being designated as master. If you do not want a listener node to serve as the master listener, assign it the lowest priority, for example a 10.

For more information, see the topic that explains the configuration setting Campaign|unicaACListener|node[n]|masterListenerPriority.

Note: If you change the masterListenerPriority, you must run the unica_svradm refresh command to inform the listener cluster of the change.