Unica Campaign integration with Audience Central and Segment Central

Unica Audience Central is a centralized application to create and maintain audience levels that can be targeted by a campaign. In Unica release 12.1.4, Unica Audience Central integrates with Unica Campaign and Unica Interact.

Segment Central is a centralized application to create and manage strategic segments. In Segment Central we can create strategic segments based on audiences having base tables. Using base table mapping you can create rules, based on these rules the set of ids present inside each base table forms a segment. Segments will select records from the existing base table based on the defined rule. Segments can also be created using existing segments.

Settings for 'Unica Platform' (Affinium|suite)

set Enable Audience Central management? = Yes Based on the Audience role assigned to Platform user - new Audience Central menu is available under marketing Central Menu. If user disables the integration - new Audience Central menu disappears

set Enable Segment Central management? = Yes Based on the the value of flag there are various changes related to Segment in Unica Campaign. Based on the Segment role assigned to Platform user - new Segment Central menu is available under marketing Central Menu. Existing Segments menu under Campaign will not be available. If user disables the integration - new Segment Central menu disappears and existing Campaign > Segments menu appears.

For More information Refer Audience Central and Segment Central User Guides