Purging data from response tracking tables

You can periodically archive or purge the rows that have been processed by the ETL in order to free up space in the database.

The following tables are populated when events are downloaded.
  • UA_EmailSend
  • UA_EmailOpen
  • UA_EmailClick
  • UA_EmailBounce
  • UA_EmailOptOut
  • UA_EngageEtlTracker
The UA_EngageEtlTracker table keeps track of the rows that have been processed. This table contains the information for the EventType and the LastProcessedRecordId.
  • EMAIL_OptOut_EVT_CODE = 5;
You can archive or purge the following rows:
  • Select * from UA_EmailSend where RecordID <= (select LastProcessedRecordId from UA_EngageEtlTracker where EventType = 1)
  • Select * from UA_EmailOpen where RecordID <= (select LastProcessedRecordId from UA_EngageEtlTracker where EventType = 2)
  • Select * from UA_EmailClick where RecordID <= (select LastProcessedRecordId from UA_EngageEtlTracker where EventType = 3)
  • Select * from UA_EmailBounce where RecordID <= (select LastProcessedRecordId from UA_EngageEtlTracker where EventType = 4)
  • Select * from UA_Emailoptout where RecordID <= (select LastProcessedRecordId from UA_EngageEtlTracker where EventType = 5)

From 11.1 version, if ETL is enabled, Unica Campaign-UBX integration data from contact and response tracking table will be purged automatically after it is processed and populated to Detailed contact history and Response history. While ETL is processing the contact/response record, it will match up tracking code and externalsystemrefranceid and logs the status of each record to UA_EngageEtlRecordStatus table.