Multi-thread Implementation of Event Download and Processing

If you are using Unica Campaign version 11.1 or later, multiple threads are used for UBX event download to Unica Campaign and ETL processing. Unica Campaign-UBX integration involve 2 phase of operations.

  • Pulling events published by Engage to UBX and putting those in contact/response tracking tables.
  • Process (i.e ETL) contact/response tracking tables and populate the Detailed contact history and Response history as per the event.

Previous to 11.1 release, only 2 main threads were used for these operations. One thread used for reading data from UBX and populate the event tracking tables. Second thread used for reading from event tracking tables and populating Detailed contact history and Response history for different events.

With 11.1, we are having 10 threads to download and populate events from UBX and then 10 parallel threads to process contact tracking event like email send and another 10 threads to process response tracking events like email bounce, email click, email opened. With this parallel processing, integration performance is significantly improved.

Note: As we are spawning multiple threads and to run these threads more CPU and memory will be utilized on Unica Campaign application server.