Housekeeping of Campaign table catalogs

The Campaign table catalog usage is reported at two levels:


  1. Flowchart level - The flowchart level reporting flags the tables used in the flowchart.
    • In a flowchart in Edit mode, open the Admin menu and select Tables.
    • In the Table mappings dialog, a new column called ‘In Use’ is introduced. This column indicates whether the user table is used in any of the process boxes in the flowchart. If it is in use, then the column value is Yes, otherwise it is No.
    • In the Table Mapping dialogue, User tables can be set in a specific order using up and down arrow keys, users can place the frequently used user tables at the top of the table mapping list using up and down arrow keys ,save the order using the Save Order button, and the order can be reset to previous one using the Reset Order button. All process boxes which are showing the table listing maintain the same order of user tables which is set by the user during table mapping so that users can easily access the frequently used user tables immediately.
  2. Global level – The global level reporting flags the tables used across all the flowcharts.
    • Once any flowchart is run, the Licence utility (which inherently calls unica_acsesutil.exe), scans all the flowcharts’ ses files which have run at a configured interval of time, and saves the table mappings that are ‘in use’ in the database table UA_TableMappingXRef.
    • Refer the section above ‘Loading stored table catalogs’, to load catalog.
    • Once the table mapping is loaded, a new column ‘In Use’ indicates whether the table is used in any flowchart or not.
    • Details of flowcharts using a table catalog can be obtained using an API -


      Sample input-


      "idFields": "ACCT_ID",

      "audience": "AutoALNum",

      "userTableName": "Accounts",

      "type": "Base Record Table",

      "dataSource": "[Baseinfo] AUTODCC.ACCT"


      Sample output –


      "content": [


      "campaignId": 399,

      "campaignName": "ACatCamp",

      "sessionId": null,

      "sessionName": null,

      "flowchartId": 2877,

      "flowchartName": "ACatFlow"



      "page": {

      "pageNumber": 0,

      "totalElements": 1,

      "totalPages": 1,

      "size": 20,

      "hasNext": false,

      "hasPrev": false



    Note: Table Catalog In Use column : Does not mark table as used if it is not selected as input in any PB's but used only in extract fields.