Troubleshooting Digital Analytics integration - Error 13156

This topic explains what to do if error 13156 occurs when using the Digital Analytics Segment Selection pop-up window.

Unica Campaign users see Error 13156 when they try to select an Digital Analytics segment when configuring a Select process box in a flowchart. The error states: Error Received in ®Digital Analytics Response. Refer to log for more details.

It is possible that the column name for the Digital Analytics IDs was not defined as registrationid in the mapped translation table and the CoremetricsKey configuration property in Unica Campaign was not set to registrationid.It is also possible that the credentials assigned to the UC_CM_ACCESS data source are incorrect. The UC_CM_ACCESS data source is the mechanism that Unica Platform uses to store the credentials that provide access to the integration service. To verify whether this is the case, increase the logging level of the flowchart log file to DEBUG. If the log file includes the following error, then it is an authentication issue: {"error":{"message":"User authentication failed","code":"1000"}}}.

To confirm that the translation table column which holds Digital Analytics IDs is called registrationid, choose Settings > Configuration > Unica Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | Coremetrics and confirm that CoremetricsKey is set to registrationid.To correct the data source credentials, choose Settings > Users, select the user that is defined in the ASMUserForCredentials configuration setting, click the Edit Data Sources link, and edit the data source:

  • Ensure that the Data Source Login and Password use the same credentials as the Digital Analytics Client ID.
  • Ensure that the Data Source exactly matches the ASMDatasourceForCredentials defined in the Unica Campaign configuration settings (for example, UC_CM_ACCESS).