Treatment history (UA_Treatment)

Rows are added to the treatment history table (UA_Treatment) each time a flowchart runs in production mode.

If a flowchart is scheduled to run periodically, each new run generates a new set of treatments, one for each offer per cell, for both contact and control cells, at flowchart run time. Unica Campaign thus provides the most granular tracking possible, by recording as a separate instance each time a treatment is generated.

Treatment history works together with base contact history to provide a highly compressed and efficient way to store complete contact history information:

  • The base contact history table (UA_ContactHistory) records only the cell membership information for the appropriate audience.
  • The treatment(s) given to each cell are recorded in the treatment history table (UA_Treatment).

Each treatment instance is identified with a globally unique treatment code. The treatment code can be used in response tracking to attribute each response to a specific treatment instance.

How controls are handled in treatment history

A control cell is qualified for an offer but is excluded from receiving the offer for analysis purposes. If controls are used, treatment history also records control cell data:

  • Rows pertaining to offers that are given to a target cell are called target treatments.
  • Rows pertaining to offers that are assigned to a control cell are called control treatments.

Target treatments have an associated control treatment if a control cell was assigned to the target cell in the contact process. Each control treatment is assigned a unique treatment code, although the codes are not distributed to control members. Control treatment codes are generated to facilitate custom response tracking where custom flowchart logic is used to identify a control: control treatment codes can be looked up and associated with the event so that the response can be attributed to an exact control treatment instance.