Response tracking for personalized offers

If you have used data-driven, personalized, or derived or parameterized offer fields to generate different offer versions, for responses to these personalized offers to be correctly attributed, your action table must contain fields representing the parameterized offer attribute fields. When these fields are mapped in a Response process as attributes of interest and populated, they can be used to match responses back to the offer version or treatment instance. Responses with values for these "attributes of interest" must exactly match the values recorded for that individual in offer version history, for attribution to that treatment.

For example, if you had flight offers which were personalized with an origin airport and a destination airport, then your action table should contain fields for "Origin Airport" and "Destination Airport." Each flight purchase transaction would contain these values, and response tracking would be able to match the specific flight purchased by an individual to the offer version(s) that were promoted to him or her. These fields also would be used to track inferred responses for members of the control group, to see if they purchased any flights that would have been promoted to them.