When to switch audience levels

Some complex campaigns require processing at different audience levels to arrive at the list of final target entities. This can involve starting at one audience level, performing some computations and taking this output, then moving to another audience level, and performing other computations.

For example, you might want to support complex suppressions at different levels. As a result, in a data model where there is a one-to-many or many-to-many relationship between customers and accounts, a marketing analyst might want to build a campaign that does the following:

  • Eliminates all accounts of customers that satisfy certain criteria (for example, eliminate any account that is in default);
  • Eliminates particular accounts that satisfy certain criteria (for example, eliminate all the low-profitability accounts).

In this example, the campaign might start at the customer level, perform customer-level suppressions (suppress accounts in default), switch to the account level, apply account-level suppressions (suppress low-profitability accounts), and then switch back to the customer level to obtain the final contact information.