手順: 詳細


GDPR に関連するすべてのファイルおよび実行可能ファイルは、パス <CAMPAIGN_HOME>/tools/GDPR にあります。


  1. gdpr_purge ユーティリティーを実行する前に gdpr.properties を設定する:

    ユーザーは、Campaign アプリケーションのすべてのオーディエンスについて、下にリストされているすべての情報を入力する必要があります:

    デフォルト・オーディエンス・レベル - 顧客 (Customer) の場合:
    # Name of the audience.
    # This is case sensitive.
    # Database type for Campaign System tables.
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.DBType
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.DBType=MSSQL
    # This property can have be set to one value from MSSQL, DB2, ORACLE. 
    # This is case sensitive.
    # The Contact history table mapped in Campaign for the audience level - Customer.
    # This property name should contain the audience name. 
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.ContactHistoryTable
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.ContactHistoryTable=UA_ContactHistory
    # The Response history table mapped in Campaign for the audience level - Customer.
    # This property name should contain  the audience name. 
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.ResponseHistoryTable
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.ResponseHistoryTable=UA_ResponseHistory 
    # The Detail contact history table mapped in campaign for the audience level - Customer.
    # This property name should contain the audience name. 
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.DetailContactHistoryTable
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.DetailContactHistoryTable=UA_DtlContactHist
    # The Segment membership table mapped in campaign for the audience level - Customer.
    # This property name should contain  the audience name. 
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.SegmentMembershipTable
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.SegmentMembershipTable=UA_SegMembership
    # The Action table used in campaign for the audience level - Customer.
    # This property name should contain the audience name. 
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.ActionTable
    # This can be blank, if not used.
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.ActionTable=UA_ActionCustomer
    # The Schema name used in campaign for campaign system tables.
    # This property name should contain the audience name. 
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.Db.Schema.Name
    # This can be blank if DB schema is not used.
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.Db.Schema.Name=dbo
    # The Audience ID field for the audience level - Customer.
    # This property name should contain the audience name. 
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.Field
    # If the composite key is present, then define multiple fields.
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.Field=CustomerID
    # The Data type for the Audience fields for the audience level - Customer.
    # This property name should contain the audience name and the field name. 
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.<FieldName>.Datatype
    # For composite Audience level, define multiple field data types
    # Valid values for these properties are number/string.
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.CustomerID.Datatype=number
    # The Absolute path to the input CSV file which has values for different columns defined for the 
    # audience level - Customer.
    # This property name should contain the audience name. 
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.Csv
    # Note: Usage of forward slashes (/) or double-backslashes (\\) is mandatory
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.Csv=/sample/Customer.csv
    # Note: Here <GDPR_HOME> need to be replaced with actual path.
    #This is the input csv which contains the customer records which needs to be erased 
    # from the Campaign system
    # The Absolute path to the output SQL file which will be generated by GDPR tool for the audience 
    # level - Customer.
    # This property name should contain the audience name. 
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.Output
    # Note: Usage forward slashes (/) or double-backslashes (\\) is mandatory
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.Output=/Customer.sql
    #Note: Here <GDPR_HOME> need to be replaced with actual path.
    #This Customer.sql will contains the delete statements
    # The Maximum size of the output file in megabytes. If value of this property is nonzero 
    # then the output files will be split if the file size is going beyond the limit specified
    # below.
    # The output file could be a little larger than the size specified underneath in the 
    # This property name should contain the audience name. 
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.Output.FileSizeLimit
    # Supports only positive values.
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.Output.FileSizeLimit=10

    追加オーディエンス・レベル (例: 複合 (Composite)) の場合:
    注: 追加オーディエンス・レベル (例えば、複合オーディエンス・レベル) の場合、ユーザーは、値を Campaign アプリケーションの追加オーディエンス・レベルに対して使用している名前に置き換える必要があります。
    Campaign で定義されているすべての追加オーディエンス・レベルのすべてのオーディエンスについて、下のセクションをコピーし、貼り付けます:
    # Audience name.
    # This is case sensitive.
    # Database type for Campaign System tables.
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.DBType
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.DBType=MSSQL
    # This property can be set to one value from MSSQL, DB2, ORACLE.
    # This is case sensitive.
    # Contact history table mapped in campaign for the audience level - CompositeAudience.
    # This property name should contain the audience name.
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.ContactHistoryTable
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example 
    # Campaign.Composite\ Audience.ContactHistoryTable=UA_ContactHistory_CompositeAudience
    # Response history table mapped in campaign for the audience level - CompositeAudience
    # This property name should contain the audience name.
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.ResponseHistoryTable
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example 
    # Campaign.Composite\ Audience.ResponseHistoryTable=UA_ResponseHistory_CompositeAudience
    # Detail contact history table mapped in campaign for the audience level - CompositeAudience
    # This property name should contain the audience name.
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.DetailContactHistoryTable
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example 
    # Campaign.Composite\ Audience.DetailContactHistoryTable=UA_DtlContactHist_CompositeAudience
    # Segment membership table mapped in campaign for the audience level - CompositeAudience
    # This property name should contain the audience name.
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.SegmentMembershipTable
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example 
    # Campaign.Composite\ Audience.SegmentMembershipTable=UA_SegMembership_CompositeAudience
    # Action table used in campaign for the audience level - CompositeAudience
    # This property name should contain the audience name.
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.ActionTable
    # This can be blank if not used.
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.ActionTable=UA_Action_CompositeAudience
    # Schema name used in campaign for campaign system tables.
    # This property name should contain the audience name.
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.Db.Schema.Name
    # This can be blank if no DB schema is used.
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.Db.Schema.Name=dbo
    # Audience ID field for audience level CompositeAudience
    # This property name should contain the audience name.
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.Field
    # For composite Audience level , define multiple fields.
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.Field=Field1PK
    # Data type for the Audience fields for the audience level - CompositeAudience.
    # This property name should contain the audience name and field name.
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.<FieldName>.Datatype
    # For composite Audience level, define multiple field data types
    # Valid values for these properties are number/string.
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.Field1PK.Datatype=number
    # Absolute path to the input CSV file which has values for different columns defined for 
    # audience level CompositeAudience
    # This property name should contain the audience name.
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.Csv
    # Note: Usage of forward slashes (/) or double-backslashes (\\) is mandatory
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.Csv=/sample/CompositeAudience.csv
    # Note: Here <GDPR_HOME> need to be replaced with actual path.
    # Absolute path to the output SQL file which will be generated by GDPR tool for 
    # the audience level CompositeAudience
    # This property name should contain the audience name.
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.Output
    # Note: Usage of forward slashes (/) or double-backslashes (\\) is mandatory
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.Output=/CompositeAudience.sql
    # Note: Here <GDPR_HOME> need to be replaced with actual path.
    # Maximum size of the output file in megabytes. If value of this property is nonzero
    # then the output files will be split if file size is going beyond the limit 
    # mentioned underneath.
    # Output file could be bit larger than the size specified by property below.
    # This property name should contain the audience name.
    # The format used here is Campaign.<Audience>.Output.FileSizeLimit
    # Only positive values are supported.
    # If there is space in audience name then escape space with single backslash
    # For example Campaign.Composite\ Audience.Output.FileSizeLimit=10
    注: 追加オーディエンス・レベルに対して追加アクション・テーブルが使用されていない場合、“Campaign.CompositeAudience.ActionTable” プロパティーの値は空白でかまいません。
    # Query separator character to be used for separating the queries that will be 
    # generated by the GDPR utility
    <NOTE: Remove N for Oracle and DB2 database>
    # Nationalized string prefix to be used while generating the DB queries.
    # If your audience name or the value specified in the csv file has non-English characters, 
    # then the N prefix should be used for MSSQL.
    # Flag to define if Watson Campaign Automation integration is used. 
    # If integration is used, then specify this property as true or else specify false.
    注: Campaign システム・テーブルから削除する顧客情報を含む入力 CSV ファイルは、選択およびスナップショット・プロセス・ボックスを使用して Campaign から生成できます。audienceId フィールドのみ CSV ファイルに出力します。
  2. gdpr_purge ユーティリティーの実行:

    1. コマンド・プロンプトを起動し、<CAMPAIGN_HOME>/tools/GDPR に移動します。

    2. gdpr_purge.bat/sh を実行します。

    注: エラーが発生した場合、<CAMPAIGN_HOME>\tools\GDPR\logs に生成される gdpr.log ファイルを確認してください。
    gdpr_purge.sh/bat ユーティリティーのロギング:
    GDPR ユーティリティーの実行でエラーが発生した場合、ユーザーは log4j.properties を使用して GDPR ユーティリティーのロギングを変更できます。
    log4j.properties は <CAMPAIGN_HOME>\tools\GDPR\ にあります。
  3. SQL の確認および実行:

    delete ステートメントを含む出力 SQL ファイルは次の場所に生成されます:


    Campaign システムで構成されているすべてのオーディエンスに対して生成されたすべての SQL ファイルを実行する必要があります。

    GDPR ユーティリティーは、次のプロパティー・ファイルで指定された出力ファイルのサイズによっては、消去する顧客レコードの delete ステートメントのファイルを複数生成する場合があります: Campaign.CompositeAudience.Output.FileSizeLimit

    Campaign ユーザー/Campaign DBA は、これらのファイルをすべて実行する必要があります。

    複数のパーティションがある場合、Campaign で定義されているすべてのパーティションのすべてのデータベース・スキーマに対して SQL を実行する必要があります。


GDPR ユーティリティーによって生成されたスクリプトを DB2 で実行すると、次のエラーが発生する場合があります。このエラーは無視してかまいません:

Warning/ERROR .
TRUNCATE TABLE camp912x.Temp_8652429716865416192
DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned: SQL0104N An unexpected token "END-OF-STATEMENT" was found following"_8652429716865416192". Expected tokens may include: "IMMEDIATE". SQLSTATE=42601