Configuring LDAP on Docker

This top covers LDAP configuration in the Docker environment.

About this task

s the admin has already created the requisite ldaptruststore.p12 file and that it is in the same location as the docker-compose.yml file (where they run docker-compose commands for the Sametime Server


  1. Stop the Sametime services.
    docker-compose down
  2. Change directories to the root directory where the Sametime installation package was decompressed.
  3. Edit the custom.env file and locate the LDAP section.
    • Set the LDAP port. The default is 636.
    • Set the SSL Enabled field to true.
  4. Create a file called tlsldap.env with the following content providing information to the trust LDAP store.
  5. Edit the docker_compose.yml file to add a path to the LDAP trust store.
    1. Add the following line to the env_file section.
        - tlsldap.env
    2. Add the following line to the volumes section.
        - ./ldaptruststore.p12:/local/notesdata/ldaptruststore.p12
  6. Restart the server to apply the changes.
    docker-compose down 
    docker-compose up -d