Kubernetes QuickStart

Kubernetes is an open-source system for application deployment that is supported by all of the major cloud vendors. There is also good support for fixed scale on-prem deployments on virtual or bare metal and even as auto-scalable deployments using virtual systems management solutions like VMWare vSphere.

About this task

For those who have never used Kubernetes, the following document can help set up a basic, non-production cluster fairly quickly on a RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS box. A production-ready deployment of Kubernetes isn't really within the scope of this document, but the basics described here apply at least conceptually to the same deployment at cloud-scale.

One option is to simply use Minikube This can be done on your Windows/Mac desktop just to try out Kubernetes and get some experience before deploying at the production-level.

Note: Minikube tests the application deployments locally.

As the goal of Sametime Meetings is to have users communicate together from remote systems, there can be some networking hurdles to get past with Minikube. One way to work-around that is with iptables to have packets forwarded from your host Mac/Windows system to the internal Linux VM where the minikube containers run.