Enabling SAML authentication in installed clients

Enable SAML authentication from within the HCL® Sametime® Connect or Embedded client that is already installed on a computer.

Before you begin

Enabling SAML authentication in an installed client requires the following information, which the Sametime administrator can provide to users:
  • URL of the authentication server
  • HTML tag ID or tag name for the following fields (depending on the type of login): User name, Password, Submit

About this task

These instructions only apply to a client that is already installed on a computer (the stand-alone Connect client or the Embedded client that runs in HCL Notes®).



  1. Open the Sametime Preferences dialog box.
    • In the stand-alone Connect client, click Actions and Preferences > Preferences.
    • In the client embedded in HCL Notes, click File > Preferences > Sametime.
  2. In the Preferences list, click Server Communities.
  3. On the Server Communities page, click New Server Community.
  4. On the New Server Community page, fill in the information listed in Table 1.
    Table 1. Table 1. Options on the New Server Community page
    Option Description
    Server Community type Select Sametime.
    Server Community name Type the community name.
  5. Click the Log In tab and fill in the information listed in Table 2.
    Table 2. Table 2. Options on the Log In tab
    Option Description
    Use token-based single sign-on Select this option.
    Authentication server Type the authentication server's URL, which you can obtain from your administrator.
    Authentication type Select SAML.
    Login > Browser If users log in to your company's authentication server by typing a user name and password in the browser login page, select Browser and ignore the User name and Password fields. The Submit tag field is optional: if you want to enable automatic log-ins after network interruptions, provide either the HTML tag ID or the tag name of the submit field in the IdP. If you omit the Submit tag, then passwords are not retained from one log-in to the next.
    Login > Form
    If users log in to your company's authentication server by typing a user name and password in a Sametime dialog box, select Form and fill in the following fields:
    • User name tag:Provide either the HTML tag ID or the tag name of the user name field in the IdP.
    • Password tag:Provide either the HTML tag ID or the tag name of the password field in the IdP.
    • Submit tag:Provide either the HTML tag ID or the tag name of the submit field in the IdP.
  6. Click the Server tab and provide the information listed in Table 3.
    Table 3. Options on the Server tab
    Option Description
    Host server Type the fully qualified host name of the Sametime Community Server.
    Server community port Type 1533.
  7. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog box.