
Accessibility features help users who have a disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use information technology products successfully. HCL strives to provide products with usable access for everyone regardless of age or ability.

Accessibility features

The following list includes the major accessibility features for HCL Sametime® :
  • Keyboard-only operations
  • Interfaces that are commonly used by screen readers
  • Industry-standard devices for ports and connectors

Accessibility preferences

To ensure that the client interface is optimized for accessibility, make sure that you turn on the accessibility features available in the accessibility preferences.
Table 1. Accessibility preference options
If you are using: Do this:

HCL Sametime® Connect

Click Actions and preferences > Preferences. Then, click Accessibility and select all fields to optimize for accessibility.

HCL Notes®

Click Actions and preferences > Preferences. Then, expand the Sametime section in the navigator. Click Accessibility and select all fields to optimize for accessibility.

For Macintosh, you should also set keyboard behavior. From the application toolbar, click System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Keyboard & Text Input. Then, select Turn full keyboard on or off and under Full keyboard access, click All Controls.

Keyboard navigation

This product uses standard Microsoft Windows navigation keys.

There are multiple ways to navigate the user interface using the keyboard. Use the Tab and arrow keys to navigate through the interface and move focus. You can also press Alt to activate keyboard shortcuts. Press Alt plus the corresponding keyboard shortcut to complete the action. For a list of detailed keyboard shortcuts and actions, see the following What are the keyboard shortcuts and other accessibility features topic.

Interface information

Note: When the accessibility preference Optimize notification settings for screen reader is selected, chat and other notifications will be in the form of a sound. You will not be notified of a new chat window or message, for example, by the window opening in front of your screen or flashing, or a flashing icon in your system tray. This allows screen readers to maintain a single, uninterrupted focus.

When you select Use arrow keys to place focus in contact search results, you can use the arrow keys to move to a name that shows in the search results list when you type text in the Find a person or number field. This keeps screen readers from reading text matches before you are finished typing in that field.