Functional Test projects and Rational projects

When you create a Functional Test project, you can use the project stand-alone, or associate it with a Rational® project to take advantage of the HCL OneTest UI integration features with TestManager if you have TestManager installed.

When you associate an existing Functional Test project with the current Rational® project, you can use TestManager to play back Functional Test scripts, use the TestManager Agent to play back scripts on a remote computer, and manage logs from TestManager. You must have Rational® Administrator and TestManager installed to use these integrated features.

You can associate a project with a Rational® project when you create a Functional Test project, or associate an existing project with a Rational project.

The benefits of associating a Functional Test project with the current Rational® project are:

  • You can manage all of your testing assets from one Rational® project.
  • You can play back all Functional Test scripts from Rational® TestManager.
  • You can play back a Functional Test script on different computers using Rational® Test Agents that you set up through TestManager.
  • You can manage logs, including HCL OneTest UI logs, using the Test Log window of TestManager.
  • You can use TestManager reports to get information about the results of running HCL OneTest UI test scripts and get coverage reports for a testing project.
  • You can use a TestManager suite to coordinate the way that scripts run. Often several scripts and computers can be involved in a test. You can use suites to run scripts in parallel on the computers that are available so that your tests can run more quickly.
  • The name of the Rational® project that you associate with a Functional Test project appears next to the name of the Functional Test project in the Projects view, for example, as: MyFTProject - MyRationalProject where MyRationalProject is the name of the Rational® project.
  • You can disassociate a Functional Test project anytime.

Note: To view the Rational TestManager version that can be integrated with HCL OneTest UI, see List of supported domains for functional testing by releases of HCL OneTest UI tech. note.

Related Topics:

Creating a Rational project

Associating a HCL OneTest UI Project with a Rational Project

Disassociating a HCL OneTest UI Project from a Rational Project