Canceling while checking in a merged test object map

When you cancel a check in that requires a shared or a private test object map merge, HCL OneTest UI behaves differently at various stages of the procedure.

When you merge a test object map, HCL OneTest UI merges and checks in the test object map. It then merges the associated script definition file, the helper file and the java file separately and checks them in.

Shared test object maps

  • If you cancel prior to checking in the test object map, HCL OneTest UI cancels the entire procedure.
  • If you cancel before HCL OneTest UI merges the java file, it cancels the checking in of all files except the test object map. Any files that have been merged remain merged. Files that have not been merged, remain unmerged. None of the files, except the object map, is checked in.
  • If you cancel after HCL OneTest UI merges the java file, nothing is canceled. HCL OneTest UI merges all the files and checks them in.

Private test object maps

  • If you cancel prior to checking in the test object map, HCL OneTest UI cancels the entire procedure.
  • If you cancel before HCL OneTest UI merges the Java file, any files that have been merged remain merged. Files that haven't been merged remain unmerged. None of the files is checked in.
  • If you cancel after HCL OneTest UI merges the java file, nothing is canceled.