Resource Monitoring Agents

For testing, you would need many hosts. For example, you might have one host with the application server, another host with the database server, and some hosts to apply the user load. Due to network or firewall issues, sometimes, it becomes difficult for multiple hosts to connect to each other. Resource Monitoring Agents are installed on the target hosts so that they can establish a connection with IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server to gather resource statistics of the target host.

The agents always try to connect with the server through the HTTPS protocol. You must install the agent and start it. From the Resource Monitoring Service page in IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server, you can copy the command lines to download files and to run the agents. When you stop the agent, the data sources that you have already added persist but the live data will not be available.

The following tasks explain how you can install, configure and start the Resource Monitoring Agents.

Connecting agents to the Resource Monitoring Service

You must install the Resource Monitoring Agents on the target host for which you want to collect the performance statistics. The agents must be run to establish a connection with the Resource Monitoring service.

Before you begin

  • The Resource Monitoring Service does not require access to the agent host but the agent must reach the service host over HTTPS.
  • For Linux Performance monitoring, the agent must run on the Linux target.
  • For Windows Performance monitoring, the agent must run on the Windows target or on a Windows host that is configured to access the performance monitoring data of the Windows target.
  • For Docker monitoring, the agent must run on a target where Docker is installed.

About this task

This task applies to Java and Docker agents. However, the command lines used to install agents are different from Java and Docker agents. You can find the command lines and instructions in IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server in the Resource Monitoring Agents page. Moreover, an additional step must be performed for Docker agents, before you start the Docker agents, you must build a Docker image by using a dedicated command line.


  1. In IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server click the Set up agents to extend Resource Monitoring service link on the Resource Monitoring page to access the Agents page. It displays a page where you can find the instructions and command lines to download, set up, and run the agents.
  2. To download the agent, click Download jar file for a Java agent or Download Docker file for a Docker agent.
    You can also use the curl and wget commands to download the agent without accessing the Resource Monitoring web UI. For more facility, use the code snippets to copy and fill in the command lines with the valid offline token and the jar or docker file name.
    curl -O -J https://hostName/rm/agent-jar
    wget --content-disposition https://hostName/rm/agent-jar
  3. This step applies to Docker agents only, copy the build command line and paste it in your console to build a Docker image.
  4. To run your agent, copy the appropriate command line respectfully to your environment system with the code snippets. In your console, points to the directory path that contains the agent jar file, paste the command line :
    On Windows:
    set HCL_ONETEST_OFFLINE_TOKEN=(Enter your offline token here)
    java -jar (Enter the name of the downloaded jar file here) --serviceUrl=https://hostName/rm --projectId=<project_id>
    On Linux:
    sudo HCL_ONETEST_OFFLINE_TOKEN=(Enter your offline token here) java -jar (Enter the name of the downloaded jar file here) --serviceUrl=portNumber/rm --projectId=<project_id>


When the agent is started, it is displayed in the list of Connected Resource Monitoring Agents with the host name and status of the agent. The agent is added to the list of available Resource Monitoring sources in IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server Resource Monitoring page.

What to do next

Add the Java or Docker source and counters to the project.

Starting the RM Agent as a service on Windows

To ensure that the Resource Monitoring Agent starts by itself when the host is restarted, you can set up the environment in such a way that the Resource Monitoring Agent can be started as a service.

Before you begin

Previously to starting a Resource Monitoring Agent as a service on Windows, you need to have:
  • Java 8 installed on the host.
  • IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server added to the PATH environment variable.
  • An offline token to connect the agent securely with appropriate permissions. You can create an offline token from the User menu of the Resource Monitoring page or you can re-use your active offline token. The token expires if it is not used for a month.


  1. Download the latest release of winsw. You can choose to download WinSW.Net2.exe or WinSW.Net4.exe depending on the version of .Net framework that you already have on the host Windows.
  2. Create a folder on your local hard drive like RMAgent-winservice.
  3. Copy the downloaded executable to this new folder and rename the file to RMAgent-winservice.exe.
  4. Create a new text file in the same folder and name it RMAgent-winservice.xml.
  5. To set up the offline token, copy and adapt the following content to this new RMAgent-winservice.xml file:
          <name>Resource Monitoring Agent</name>
          <description>This service runs the Resource Monitoring Agent.</description>
          <env name="HCL_ONETEST_OFFLINE_TOKEN" value="(Enter your offline token here"/>
          <arguments>-jar %BASE%\RMAgent.jar --serviceUrl=https://<service-host>/rm --projectId=<projet-id> --autoUpgradeDownloadThen=execute:cmd,/c,start,%BASE%\auto-upgrade.bat</arguments>
          <onfailure action="restart" delay="10 sec"/>
    • Replace <service-host> by the host name of the host that runs IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server.
    • Replace <project-id> which is the number you'll find after /projects/ in the browser's URL when browsing to this project.
  6. Create a new text file in the same folder and name it auto-upgrade.bat.
  7. To upgrade the agent jar file automatically, copy the following content to this new file:
    @echo off
    for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /od %BASE%\com.hcl.test.rm.agent-*.jar') do set newest=%%a
    %BASE%\RMAgent-winservice.exe stop
    del %BASE%\RMAgent.jar
    mklink %BASE%\RMAgent.jar %BASE%\%newest%
    %BASE%\RMAgent-winservice.exe start
  8. Start the command prompt as an administrator and change the directory to the newly created directory RMAgent-winservice.
  9. Download the agent jar file from the Resource Monitoring web page and save it to the same directory.
  10. In the command prompt, type the following command to create a symbolic link named RMAgent.jar to the agent jar file:
    mklink RMAgent.jar com.hcl.test.rm.agent-<version-and-datetime>.jar
  11. Type the following commands:
    RMAgent-winservice install
    RMAgent-winservice start
  12. In the Services Windows application, you can check whether the service is up and running.
  13. You can see in the Resource Monitoring page whether the Resource Monitoring Agent is disconnected or connected.
    Connected agentConnected agent

What to do next

The Resource Monitoring Agents write the logs to the same folder in files named RMAgent-winservice.out.log, RMAgent-winservice.err.log and RMAgent-winservice.wrapper.log. Look at those files if the Windows Service for the Agent is not started or if it does not appear to be connected to the Resource Monitoring Service.

Starting the RM Agent as a service on Linux

To ensure that the Resource Monitoring Agent starts by itself when the host is restarted, you can set up the environment in such a way that the Resource Monitoring Agent can be started as a service.

Before you begin

Previously to starting a Resource Monitoring Agent as a service on Linux, you need to have:
  • Java 8 installed on the host.
  • IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server added to the PATH environment variable.
  • An offline token to connect the agent securely with appropriate permissions. You can create an offline token from the User menu of the Resource Monitoring page or you can re-use your active offline token. The token expires if it is not used for a month.

About this task

This topic relies on systemd services that is the default on most modern Linux distributions. Other ways may require adaptations of the instructions but the provided script will be a good basis in most cases.


  1. Create a folder on your local hard drive like /opt/RMAgent-linuxservice.
  2. Download the agent jar file from the Resource Monitoring web page and save it to the same directory.
  3. Create a new file /etc/systemd/system/RMAgent-linuxservice.service.
  4. Add the following content to this new file:
    Description = Resource Monitoring Agent
    After =
    Type = forking
    ExecStart = /opt/RMAgent-linuxservice/ start
    ExecStop = /opt/RMAgent-linuxservice/ stop
    Restart = on-failure
    RestartSec = 10
    WantedBy =
  5. Create another file /opt/RMAgent-linuxservice/
    # Update the 3 following variables with the Server's host name, project id and offline token:
    export HCL_ONETEST_OFFLINE_TOKEN=<offline-token>
    ARGS="--serviceUrl=$SERVICE_URL --projectId=$PROJECT_ID --autoUpgradeDownloadThen=exitFailure"
    SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0")
    RMAGENT_HOME=$(dirname "$SCRIPT")
    # Ensure we're using the latest downloaded jar file
    PATH_TO_JAR=`ls -t $RMAGENT_HOME/com.hcl.test.rm.agent-*.jar | head -1`
    if [ -z "$PATH_TO_JAR" ]
      cd $RMAGENT_HOME && { curl -k -O -J $SERVICE_URL/agent-jar; cd -; }
      PATH_TO_JAR=`ls -t $RMAGENT_HOME/com.hcl.test.rm.agent-*.jar | head -1`
      if [ -z "$PATH_TO_JAR" ]
        echo "Start the server at $SERVICE_URL to allow download of the latest agent jar file"
        echo "Exiting..."
        exit 1
    SERVICE_NAME="Resource Monitoring Agent"
    #Pid file will reside in this script’s folder
    #Log file will reside in this script’s folder
    case $1 in
            echo "Starting $SERVICE_NAME ..."
            if [ ! -f $PATH_TO_PID ]; then
                nohup java -jar $PATH_TO_JAR $ARGS >> $PATH_TO_LOG 2>&1 &
                            echo $! > $PATH_TO_PID
                echo "$SERVICE_NAME started ..."
                echo "$SERVICE_NAME is already running ..."
            if [ -f $PATH_TO_PID ]; then
                PID=$(cat $PATH_TO_PID);
                echo "$SERVICE_NAME stopping ..."
                kill $PID;
                echo "$SERVICE_NAME stopped ..."
                rm $PATH_TO_PID
                echo "$SERVICE_NAME is not running ..."
            if [ -f $PATH_TO_PID ]; then
                PID=$(cat $PATH_TO_PID);
                echo "$SERVICE_NAME stopping ...";
                kill $PID;
                echo "$SERVICE_NAME stopped ...";
                rm $PATH_TO_PID
                echo "$SERVICE_NAME starting ..."
                nohup java -jar $PATH_TO_JAR $ARGS >> $PATH_TO_LOG 2>&1 &
                            echo $! > $PATH_TO_PID
                echo "$SERVICE_NAME started ..."
                echo "$SERVICE_NAME is not running ..."
    • Replace <service-hostname> by the host name of the host that runs IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server.
    • Replace <project-id> which is the number you'll find after /projects/ in the browser's URL when browsing to this project.


The Resource Monitoring agent will start automatically when the host restarts.

Starting a Java Virtual Machine

To monitor the Resource Monitoring data from a Java Virtual Machine, you must start the Java Virtual Machine. Some parameters must be set in the command line before running the Java Virtual Machine.


  1. In the command line that is used to run the Java Virtual Machine, enter The IP address of the JVM (local or remote host) and the IP port.
  2. Optional: You can optionally use authentication security data to launch the virtual machine. In this case, you must enter the name of the password file. You can also enter the name of a privilege file if needed.


Parameters used to launch a JVM without security:
-jar MyapplicationFile.jar
Parameters used to launch a JVM with authentication security:
java (this command line is optional)
-jar MyapplicationFile.jar