Using OpenSSL


  1. Login to the Informix VM:
    ssh -i ~/.ssh/aws-key.pem centos@Informix VM
  2. Check the Informix status using onstat:
    # HCL Informix Dynamic Server Version 14.10.FC5X8 -- On-Line -- Up 00:06:23 -- 343820 Kbytes
  3. Use dbaccess to create new databases, tables etc.
  4. Bring down the running Informix server before the Migration process:
    sudo -u informix bash
    onmode -kuy
  5. Copy the SSH key (used in provisioning of the VM) from the local system to the '~/.ssh/' directory:
    # /home/informix/.ssh/aws-key.pem
  6. Set the required environment variables to ease the migration process:
    export AWS_RSAKEY_ONEDBVM=~/.ssh/aws-key.pem
  7. Create the tar file of the Informix Data files:
    cd /tmp
    tar -cvf /tmp/ifxdata.tar -C /data
  8. Copy Informix Data and Passwords files to the OneDB VM:
    scp -i $AWS_RSAKEY_ONEDBVM  /home/informix/passwords  ubuntu@$PUBLICIP_ONEDBVM:/tmp/
    scp -i $AWS_RSAKEY_ONEDBVM  /tmp/ifxdata.tar          ubuntu@$PUBLICIP_ONEDBVM:/tmp/
  9. OpenSSL Setup:
    scp -i $AWS_RSAKEY_ONEDBVM  /home/informix/server/etc/ol_aws_disk_encryption.p12  ubuntu@$PUBLICIP_ONEDBVM:/tmp/
    scp -i $AWS_RSAKEY_ONEDBVM  /home/informix/server/etc/ol_aws_disk_encryption.stl  ubuntu@$PUBLICIP_ONEDBVM:/tmp/
    Note: These steps are only applicable for Informix servers version 14.10.FC5 X8 or higher using `OpenSSL` (not `GSKit`).