Hosting the Nomad for web browsers static web files

About this task

This task only applies if you are serving the files up from an HTTP server. If you are using the SafeLinx local file option, these steps are not needed (as SafeLinx servers up the files and comes preconfigured for the HTTP headers and Content-Types). However, the HTTP headers and Content-Type should be in place regardless of what is serving up the files, so you may check for the HTTP headers and Content-Types in the network flows during troubleshooting.


  1. Identify the directory inside the Domino data directory that will contain the static web files that Domino HTTP utilizes (for example, inside /domino/html as /nomad). This directory will be used for initial installations as well as all updates.
    Note: If the directory does not exist, create a new directory. The new directory needs to be under /domino/html, but the administrator can name that directory whatever they want.
    Note: If the directory already exists, backup the files (optional) and then delete all of the files including all the subdirectories.
  2. Unzip the static web files in the empty directory.
  3. Configure Domino HTTP to serve the HTTP files with the following HTTP headers. If you are using Internet Site Documents, the HTTP headers are specified via an HTTP response headers Web Site Rule. If you are not using Internet Site Documents, you may use the HTTPAdditionalRespHeader notes.ini.
    • /nomad/*:
      Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy same-origin
      Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy require-corp
      X-Nomad-Resource true
      Content-Encoding gzip
    • /nomad/index.html
      Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy same-origin
      Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy require-corp
      X-Nomad-Resource true
      Content-Encoding gzip
      Cache-Control no-store
      Service-Worker-Allowed /
    • /nomad/ffswwa.html:
      X-Nomad-Resource true
      Content-Encoding gzip
      Cache-Control no-store
    Note: For more information, see Creating a Web Site Rule document.
  4. Domino HTTP must specify the Content-Type for the .wasm files as application/wasm. Domino 11 and higher already includes this content-type definition, but earlier version of Domino will need this line added to the httpd.conf file:
    AddType  .wasm     application/wasm                     # WebAssembly