Property enablement

Property enablement expressions determine whether the property is displayed, based on the value of other properties.

When the value of a property is changed in the user interface, the enablement expressions are evaluated. If the enablement expressions evaluate to true, then the property is displayed.

For example, if a property should only be displayed if a boolean property manual_mode is true, the enablement expression would be:

manual_mode == true

Expressions are of the form:

<property-name> <operator> <value | values>

Where operator is one of those shown in this table:

Operator Meaning
== Equals
!= Not equals
In In - is one of the listed values
!in Not in - is not one of the listed values
< Less than
<= Less than or equals
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equals

For in and !in operators, the value list is enclosed in brackets, ([ ]) with comma-separated values. For example:

month in [jan,feb,mar]

More complex expressions can be specified by using AND and OR operators. For example:

manual_mode == true AND month in [jan,feb,mar]