HDFS Adapter commands

The Hadoop cluster must be configured to enable WebHDFS access. The WebHDFS server and port to which the adapter connects, the file to read or write, and various options for tuning these operations are specified by the adapter commands described in this documentation.

Adapter commands summary list

Table 1. Adapter commands summary list
Short name Long name Description
-S -SCHEME Scheme
-H -HOST Host
-P -PORT Port
-U -USER User
-F -FILE File
-CS -CHUNKSIZE Chunk size
-SCM -SINGLECHUNKMODE Single chunk mode
-IWM -IMMEDIATEWRITEMODE Immediate write mode
-OW -OVERWRITE Overwrite
-PER -PERMISSION Permission flags
-REP -REPLICATION Replication factor
-CSRFH -CSRFH Cross-Site Request Forgery prevention header
-XATTR -XATTR Extended input and output attributes
-TSL -TRUSTSTORELOCATION Truststore full path
-TSP -TRUSTSTOREPASSWORD Truststore password
-KSL -KEYSTORELOCATION Keystore full path
-KSP -KEYSTOREPASSWORD Keystore password
-KP -KEYPASSWORD Key password
-AS -AUTHSERVER Authenticate server
-AC -AUTHCLIENT Authenticate client
-VH -VERIFYHOSTNAME Verify hostname
-KM -KERBEROSMODE Kerberos mode authentication
-LCFL -LOGINCONFIFILEOCATION Login configuration file location
-KCFL -KERBEROSCONFIGFILELOCATION Kerberos configuration file location
-KAU -KERBEROSAUTHUSER Kerberos authentication user
-KAP -KERBEROSAUTHPASSWORD Kerberos authentication password
-KCN -KERBEROSCONFIGNAME Kerberos configuration namem
-BAU -BASICAUTHUSER Basic authentication user
-BAP -BASICAUTHPASSWORD Basic authentication password
-T -TRACE Adapter log full path - info level log
-T+ -TRACE+ Adapter log full path - append to log file
-TV -TRACEVERBOSE Adapter log full path - verbose level log
-TV+ -TRACEVERBOSE+ Adapter log full path - verbose level log - append to log file
-TE -TRACEERROR Adapter log full path - error log only
-TE+ -TRACEEROR+ Adapter log full path - error log only - append to log file