Create a service

Follow the instructions here to create a service.

  1. On the Design Server homepage, click on Link Rest Services. The Service Builder page opens.
  2. If services are defined, then a list of services is displayed. If services are not defined, click the Create Service button to define a new service.
  3. Complete the General information which includes name of the service, a description of the service, and the base URL. The Service name and Base URL are mandatory fields. You must complete these fields in order to enable the Next button so you can continue.
  4. Complete the Authentication. This is where you can define Basic authentication or OAuth 2.0 by entering required filed values such as username, password, access token, refresh token, and so forth, for the respective authentication type selected from the drop-down value.
  5. Configure the Retry Strategy to specify number of retries, and the initial delay that would be taken by the API if any condition is not met.
  6. Define the parameters that allow you to define the service parameters, upon clicking the Add a row button.
  7. Save the service. A confirmation message displays: “Service Name created successfully”. You are then redirected to the Services list page.
  8. If you want to cancel the operation, click the Cancel button. You will be prompted with Yes or No for cancel confirmation.Click Yes to confirm the cancellation. You will be redirected to Service Builder page.