License allocation and persistence

A license is required for each logical processor on the host computer where the licensed feature runs. The number of logical processors is the number of physical processors, or cores, multiplied by the number of virtual processors.

Multiple instances of the same feature that run on a single logical processor require only a single license. For example, host Alpha has four cores and runs two virtual processors on each core, so Alpha has eight logical processors. Alpha requires eight licenses to run a single instance of the Command Server. If 20 instances of the Command Server run on Alpha, Alpha still requires only eight licenses. If the Command Server runs on host Alpha and host Beta, and each host has eight logical processors, a total of 16 licenses are required.

You can run the dtxlicutil -numprocs command on a host computer to display the number of logical processors and physical cores the computer has.

Link obtains the required license from the pool of licenses on the license server when the runtime feature starts, when the Link API is invoked, or when a map that uses a licensed Pack schema loads. Periodically, Link verifies that the host computer has the licenses required to run its features. If the licensed feature is not running 24 hours after the host computer obtains the license, Link returns the license to the pool on the license server.