Increasing security for DOLS subscriptions

There are several options for increasing security on DOLS subscriptions.

About this task

Table 1. Ways to increase security for DOLS subscriptions



Tighten access to the database

Open the ACL for the subscription and add the users and groups to whom you want to grant access. Anonymous must have "No Access."

Tighten security on the configuration document

To limit who can open and edit the Offline Subscription Configuration Profile document for a particular subscription, open the subscription's DOLS Offline Configuration form in Domino® Designer and change security settings in the Form properties.

Tighten security on offline data

To ensure that unsanctioned users cannot access the subscription data offline using another software product, encrypt the subscription in the Offline Subscription Configuration Profile document.

Tighten security for all subscriptions on the server

To propagate a security setting to all the existing DOLS subscriptions on a server, make sure the subscriptions are set to inherit design changes from the DOLS Resource template (DOLRES.NTF); change the setting in DOLRES.NTF; then run the Designer task.