Finding a server name in the domain with the Domino® Administrator

You can search for a server name in the domain and then view a log that includes document links and directory links to each occurrence of the server name.


  1. From the Domino® Administrator, click the Server > Analysis tab.
  2. In the Tools pane, click Find Server.
  3. select a server name from the list box, and click OK.
  4. A message appears indicating that an administration request will be initiated to search the enterprise for the server name. Click Yes.

To view the log of locations


  1. To view the log of locations where the server name has been located, from the same view, click Administration Requests.
  2. Click All Requests by Name.
  3. Locate the server name you are looking for.
  4. Expand the section and locate the Find Name in Domain request.
  5. Open the request. View the documents that contain that server name in the Links to items found within Domino Directory documents field. View the database ACLs that contain that server name in the Links to item found in Database ACLs field.
  6. Click Cancel to close the Response Log document.