replace (String - JavaScript)

Replaces a substring.

Defined in

String (Standard - JavaScript)


replace(searchValue:string, replaceValue:string) : string

replace(searchValue:RegExp, replaceValue:string) : string

Parameters Description
searchValue The substring to be replaced.
replaceValue The replacement substring.
Return value Description
string The string with the replacement made.


If the string does not contain the substring to be replaced, the return value is the original string.

If the first parameter is a string, this method replaces the first string that matches exactly. If the first parameter is a regular expression, this method replaces all strings that match according to the syntax of the regular expression.


(1) This example returns Paris---Moscow Tokyo.
var cities = new String("Paris   Moscow   Tokyo");
cities.replace("   ", "---")
(2) This example returns Paris---Moscow---Tokyo.
var cities = new String("Paris   Moscow   Tokyo");
var cities2 = cities.replace("   ", "---");
while (! cities.equals(cities2)) {
	cities = cities2;
	cities2 = cities.replace("   ", "---");
(3) This example also returns Paris---Moscow---Tokyo using a regular expression rather than JavaScript iteration.
var cities = new String("Paris   Moscow   Tokyo");
cities.replace(/(   )/g, "---")