compareToIgnoreCase (JavaScript)

Compares two strings ignoring case.

Defined in

String (Standard - JavaScript)


compareToIgnoreCase(str:string) : int
Parameters Description
str The comparison string.
Returns Description
int 0 if the two strings are equal ignoring case.


String 1 is this object. String 2 is the parameter. If the two strings are equal ignoring case, the return value is 0. If the strings are not equal, the return value is string 1 minus string 2 for the first character that differs (using the Unicode values of the string).


This example makes an equal comparison.
var cities = new String("Paris   Moscow   Tokyo");
var string2 = "PARIS   MOSCOW   TOKYO";
if (cities.compareToIgnoreCase(string2) == 0)
	return cities + " == " + string2;
	return cities + "!= " + string2;