valuePicker - Value Picker

Displays a modal dialog containing value choices. Applies selected values to an associated control.


Extension Library


<xe:valuePicker attributes>content</xe:valuePicker>
Table 1. Essential properties
Property Description
id Defaults to valuePicker1, valuePicker2, and so on.
for Specifies the control to which selected values are applied.
dataProvider Specifies choices for the value selection.
Table 2. All properties
Category Properties
basics binding, dataProvider, dialogTitle, for, id, listHeight, listWidth, loaded, pickerIcon, pickerText, rendered, rendererType
dojo dojoAttributes, dojoType
styling disableTheme, themeId


When the user clicks this control, a modal dialog appears with a choice of values. The user can select values. The selected values are applied to the associated control.

See Value and name pickers for additional information.

For accessibility, the user can click the Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Enter, Space, and Tab keys to navigate through buttons and lists, select items, and click buttons.


This value picker provides a choice of values for an input box from a simple list.
	<xp:dominoDocument var="document1" formName="main"></xp:dominoDocument>
<xp:inputText id="inputText1" value="#{document1.category}"></xp:inputText>
<xe:valuePicker id="valuePicker1" for="inputText1" dialogTitle="Select a category">
This value picker provides a choice of values for an input box from a view column.
	<xp:dominoDocument var="document1" formName="main"></xp:dominoDocument>
<xp:inputText id="inputText2" value="#{document1.subject}"></xp:inputText>
<xe:valuePicker id="valuePicker2" for="inputText2" dialogTitle="Select a subject">
		<xe:dominoViewValuePicker databaseName="Article.nsf"
			viewName="subject" labelColumn="subject">